Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

This is my first official entry. Man, am I really ready for this? I'm not talking about the effort of keeping up with a daily blog based on devotions from a renowned Scottish minister who has influenced the life of probably millions of people. No, I'm wondering if I'm ready for the journey of discovery this activity will begin.

I've read My Utmost for His Highest before, but more as a book rather than a daily walk. I would start and stop -- much like my journal, my scripture study, my sincere prayers (as opposed to the "carry out order" prayers I often fall into). My journals in the past few years are full of incredible insights from this work, enhanced by latter-day scripture and revelation.

Quite frankly, I'm just tired of almost getting there! Have you experienced that feeling before -- of almost reaching the magnificent end of your spiritual journey, only to feel like you have gone back farther than you could imagine? I think I've learned the reason I feel that way. Finally realizing that the "spiritual journey" never ends, I've come to understand that the "back peddling" feeling I get comes from the very starts and stops I make.

So, in my radical, LauraB way, I'm creating a blog that will require daily posts. Daily as in every, single day! This blog is only one of the many that I want to begin this year, but it is possibly the most important to me. I'm looking forward to the consistent journey of a single step each and every single day. I'm also interested in learning what insights and experiences you might share. Oh, and you don't have to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormon) to post. All I ask is that you actually think before you click "publish" -- and I'll try to take my own advice!

I haven't figured out if I can link actual scripture references yet (I know how to do it, but I'm not sure if I'm breaking any rules), so you'll have to get out your own copy of scriptures and look them up or use the main links at the left (under Ground Rules) to search them out. I'll figure that out as soon as I can.

Later, LauraB

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