Monday, January 21, 2008

21 January -- Recall What God Remembers

Man, this was some good stuff today. Yesterday, was essentially about conversion -- continual conversion and renewal through the Spirit.

Today we are challenged to look at our life -- our Christian life -- and see if it is still excited and loving to God or old and tired and inching toward divorce. What a comparison can be made between our relationship with our spouse and our relationship with God.

Do we nag and complain when things don't get done, or don't get done the way we like it to be done? Do we talk about them behind their backs with sarcastic undertones and veiled or worse, not so veiled, references to their incompetence?

Unfortunately, we might easily see how we do this to our spouses, but look a little deeper and recognize how we do the same with the Lord. It's heart wrenching.

Resolve today to really look at your relationship with God (and your spouse) and make it exciting and new ... fall in love again!

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