Saturday, February 16, 2008

15 February - Am I My Brother's Keeper?

I was going to complain about our Valentine's Dance but I decided not to ... oh, I still want to, but it's just not worth. I didn't get home until late, I was exhausted and I never even thought about this blog.

Yesterday's devotion really should be what we are about ... the Father's business. But I'm learning some interesting stuff. If we spend so much time worrying about our Father's business or our friends', families' or bosses' business, who is living our life?

Chambers had it right when he said that our lives must be devoted to building His Kingdom because once we have the truth, there is only one thing that can happen ... either we build or we tear down, but we must take action. Our action becomes the example for everyone around us. EVERYONE.

No pressure ;-)

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